Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Meaning of Capitalized Words

STRENGTH gives us a sense of SECURITY that enables us to HOPE for a better FUTURE.
A FUTURE that entails a LIFE with the ones we LOVE.
For LOVE lets us BELIEVE that the IMPOSSIBLE can never STOP us from TRYING our BEST.
For when we do our BEST we STRIVE to become GREATER than our DREAMS; while our DREAMS become the FOUNDATION for others to ACHIEVE their GOALS.
Once GOALS have been reached, LIVES become ENRICHED and VALUED; VALUED to a TREMENDOUS level in society where FAITH is never QUESTIONED or DOUBTED; because DOUBT clouds the mind of the IGNORANT.
And the IGNORANT become DISTRAUGHT in the face of HUMILITY.
Only HUMILITY is granted to those who REVEL in LEARNING new things the world has to offer.
When we LEARN, we DESIRE to EDUCATE the ones who want to GROW.
Whether they want to GROW in KNOWLEDGE or WISDOM, they will UTILIZES their TALENTS to do the same thing we did for them.
What they must remember is that their TALENTS can be tainted with the FEAR of the UNKNOWN.
What we don’t KNOW will sometimes have us QUESTION our MOTIVES and BELIEFS in ourselves. Only to end up striving for that RECOGNITION from others so that we can RID ourselves of our FEAR of how GREAT we can BECOME.

What we as HUMANS must UNDERSTAND is that FEAR comes from SECRETS that GOD has yet to REVEAL to us. Whether it is the SECRETS of what will become of us or what we do not KNOW or UNDERSTAND. Only will these SECRETS be REVEALED to us when we EXCEPT that we are HUMAN and made to be IMPERFECT, which makes us PERFECT to those who ACCEPT US for who we are.
As HUMANS we EXPLORE the UNKNOWN only to end up out of TIME to really CELEBRATE the JOYS that the WORLD, OTHERS and GOD has to offer. It’s ok to QUESTION life, as long as it does not become your PURPOSE in life. But to find our PURPOSE in life we must QUESTION who we are to become, not who we are; because who we are TODAY will not always be who we are TOMORROW. And if we aren’t who we where YESTERDAY it’s in HOPE that our KNOWLEDGE GREW and our GOALS, DREAMS and HOPES are closer to being ACHIEVED.

When we come closer to our END, we realize that all of our HOPES, DREAMS and GOALS; FAITHS, STRENGTHS and VALUES; SECRETS, FEARS, and ACHIEVEMENTS were for us to GROW, LEARN and EDUCATE; BELIEVE, QUESTION and EXPLORE the astounding POSSIBILITIES of love! For us, others, and GOD.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Forever Flower

I take the moments of pure joy and pick them like flowers from the garden,
I keep them in my pocket close to my heart,
I keep them under my nose, and inhale deeply,
I make a crown of them in my hair for everyone to see that I was happy,
even for a short moment in time I was happy.

Dominique Ouellette

Sunday, December 6, 2009


As I sat by my window and wrote you this letter I told myself that I wouldn't write a love story. I lied. I am going to sit here and write you a love story a story that will make you come back to me. When we first started out it was just a child's game. We played and we joked like little children. You gave the first kiss and I gave the first hug. We talked for hours. Just texting and I was OK with that. You told me that I made you smile and I told you the same. We laughed and talked. We went on our dates and hung out together. Even when I was away I still thought of you. We had our ups and down and we had our rounds, but we always came back for more. We came to a point were we no longer needed to talk. We just lay there staring at each other and it wasn't weird. Then I went away again. We still work at what we have and I hope that my story doesn't end here. I hope that we can still have our ups and downs and our rounds. I still hope I can make you smile even after the Happily Ever After. I hope we NEVER end.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Man Is......

...the warrior
...the protector
...the husband
...the father
...the leader
...the giver
...the lover
...the friend
A man is suppose to be my everything.


Never should I have to close your door,
Never should I have to put flowers on your bed.
Never should I have to throw dirt on you.
Never should I have to speak for you,
Never should I have to visit you everyday,
And speak to you through prayer.
I should NEVER have to do these things.
Nor should any other mother have to bury her child.